Showy Aster

Why Use Native Plants?

Their benefits are far reaching and lasting.

No doubt you’ve experienced the immense beauty of native wildflowers, grasses, groundcovers, trees, and flowering shrubs  unique to Northwest Montana. Underneath all their rugged beauty are plants hard at work improving or maintaining the good health of our air, soil, and water. Native plants also provide many benefits to animals and insects that depend on them.

If you’re considering adding natives to your garden or property, consider all that they do as you experience their grace and beauty:

  • Save water as they require little to no irrigation.
  • Improve native pollinator and wildlife habitat for food, shelter, breeding, and nesting.
  • Require little to no maintenance, such as fertilization, pruning, or replanting.
  • Employ natural defenses against insects and diseases.
  • As a result of being completely adapted to the local soil and environment, native are hardy against our cold winters and dry summers.
  • Creating a sense of place—from your own landscapes to your favorite wild places.
  • Enhance biodiversity by restoring our quickly vanishing regional landscapes.

So bring natives into your landscapes! The Center for Native Plants offers over 180 species of native plants. Our plants specialists can help  you select plants that will thrive in your landscapes.


Have a landscaping project you need help with?

Contact the nursery at 406.862.4226 or complete this Customer Inquiry Form and email it or bring it into the nursery.